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During this unprecedented time it is vital that patients, health and wellness can be supported (as much as possible) without the need to visit a GP or Emergency Room.  In support of this, physiotherapists are currently seen as a vital connection between patient welfare and injury management.  You do not have to feel like you and your welfare are not important during this time and it is necessary for most of our patients to be able to continue treatment to prevent further injury or limit recovery, which may result in permanent life altering conditions. 


As long as we are classed as an essential service, we are committed to staying open and continuing to provide essential physiotherapy to both existing and new patients.  Our care, service and commitment to you, our patients, will not change.


For existing patients, if you are suffering severe financial hardship due to loss of job or reduced income, we have set aside 10 low cost appointments per week to be shared amongst in need patients on a first come first served basis.  These appointments are all during the normal working hours of 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday. We are offering this at our discretion and to patients who have visited the clinic as a full fee paying client at least 5 times in the last 6 months. Reduced fee appointments can only be booked via text message.  If you book online, the full fee will be charged.  The mobile number to text message is 0421 561 117.




We are committed to bridging the gap in your treatment until your surgery can be rescheduled!


Michelle Raymundo our physiotherapist has a Graduate Certificate in Manipulative Therapy.  In English, this means that she can not only diagnose, treat and prescribe exercise in relation to conditions, she can also apply pressure and movement techniques to your joints and muscles.  This treatment has been described as feeling similar to a deep tissue massage but it is so much more.  It is hands on and all precautions are undertaken to minimise the risk of coronavirus, including the wearing of PPE by Michelle and slight modification of treatment techniques as well as a thorough cleaning of the treatment bed and room before every appointment.  This treatment is what sets her aside from other physiotherapists and is one that may provide pain relief and movement to joints and muscles (and surrounding areas) until you have your surgery rescheduled.  Michelle is prepared to work together with your specialist via email and phone consultations (where possible) to best treat you until your surgery can be rescheduled.  You may also qualify for Bulk Billed treatments if you hold a valid GP referral.  Contact us for more information.

To ensure we can support all patients , even if you are not in the high risk group, 
 we ask that you ensure the following:
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Wash your hands regularly with soap and water as per health department advice.

Please use hand sanitiser found on the counter as soon as entering the clinic and refrain from touching surfaces in the clinic unless necessary.


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In the coming days and weeks we will be transitioning to a virtual office as much as possible.  To enable this is is crucial that all patients create an account with Medipass (that are able to do so).  This will allow all payments and most health fund claims to be processed online using your phone and without the need for our HICAPS machine 






We are cleaning our treatment room after each patient.  Whilst we have allowed extra time between appointments, there may still be a delay. Please do not arrive early for appointments.



You will notice that our waiting room has fewer chairs than usual, with one being in the waiting room and one being in the hallway.  Please do not move the chairs.  Only patients may wait in the clinic and must remain seated on the chair in its original position while waiting for your appointment.

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Please do not come to your appointment if you have been in contact with any person who is suspected of having coronavirus, have travelled overseas in the last 14 days or if you have symptoms that may be coronavirus, including a fever, cough, shortness of breath.



We're thinking of you and remember...


We're all in this together!

1/1295 Nepean Hwy Cheltenham Vic 3192

Tel: 1300 565 620

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Fax: 9357 0558

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